LoL Swarm Illaoi Builds

Illaoi might seem like one of the weakest champions when you first encounter her in Swarm mode. However, if you want to see Illaoi's true strength, you should check out our guide on LoL Swarm Illaoi Builds. With the right items and augmentations, you’ll discover how powerful Illaoi can be.


    LoL Swarm Illaoi Builds

    LoL Swarm Illaoi Builds

    Swarm mode is one of the most popular game modes in League of Legends. It features familiar champions being used for different purposes and items, with monsters rushing towards you. In this new game mode, Illaoi also finds her place. We’ll share several different builds for Illaoi in Swarm mode. Here are some LoL Swarm Illaoi Builds:

    • Tank Illaoi
    • Tentacle Illaoi

    As seen in the list, Illaoi offers various playstyles and item builds. You can choose the build that suits your playstyle and preferred items, and continue enjoying Swarm mode. We’ve prepared an item build guide that will delight players who enjoy playing as Illaoi.

    Illaoi Tank Build

    Illaoi Tank Build

    Since the items in Swarm mode differ greatly from those in the main League of Legends universe, players often find it challenging to choose the right items. This is especially true for players who enjoy tanking and prefer durability alongside dealing damage. Here’s a Tank Illaoi Build:

    • Radiant Field
    • Iceblast Armor
    • Vortex Glove
    • Statikk Sword
    • Duration
    • Armor
    • Damage
    • Health Regen
    • Max Health
    • Haste

    You might think that focusing on tank items will greatly reduce your damage output, but that's not the case. Even with tank items, Illaoi can still deal significant AOE damage. If you're not playing solo, you won't have any issues with damage output. The durability will already be quite high.

    Tentacle Nightmare Illaoi

    Tentacle Nightmare Illaoi

    Players who want to solo Swarm mode stages might prefer higher damage. After all, no matter how tanky you are, you won’t progress through stages unless you defeat the bosses at the end. To avoid such situations, you can try the Tentacle Nightmare Illaoi Build:

    • Bunny Mega Blast
    • Statikk Sword
    • UwU Blaster
    • Bunny Crossbow
    • Duration
    • Crit Chance
    • Damage
    • Health Regen
    • Max Health
    • Haste

    With this item build, you’ll maximize the use of Illaoi’s passive by summoning a large number of tentacles. This setup ensures high health regeneration and rapid healing. The tentacles will handle the damage aspect, making this build highly effective.

    Which are the Best Swarm Illaoi Items?

    Players might not always reach the perfect item set while playing Illaoi in Swarm mode. Although it’s challenging to achieve the ideal item build due to the luck factor, focusing on certain key items can make your job much easier.

    • Radiant Field
    • Iceblast Armor
    • Statikk Sword

    By waiting for and upgrading these items, you can complete your own LoL Swarm Illaoi Build requirements. Remembering the most important and powerful items will make it easier to create your item build.

    Which are the Best Swarm Illaoi Augments?

    Not only items but also augmentations appear randomly at each level up, so you won’t always find the desired features. If you want to know which augmentations are the most valuable, check our list:

    • Duration
    • Max Health
    • Haste

    Paying attention to these augmentations, especially for the first upgrades, can make a significant difference. That’s all for now regarding Illaoi and her augmentations. How do you find Illaoi in Swarm mode? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section.
