LoL Swarm Yasuo Build Best Builds For Yasuo

If you find yourself pondering which augmentations to choose in Swarm mode, our LoL Swarm Yasuo build guide is perfect for you. We’re here to present item builds that will make you strong against all the challenges you may face while playing Yasuo in Swarm mode.


    LoL Swarm Yasuo Builds

    LoL Swarm Yasuo Builds

    Yasuo is one of the most beloved characters in every League of Legends mode. Every League of Legends player has tried Yasuo at least once to experience his high damage and fun mechanics. In the new event where you need to defeat many small creatures, Yasuo remains strong and enjoyable. If you haven't decided which champion to play yet, you can check out our Swarm Builds content. Here are the LoL Swarm Yasuo builds:

    • Frozen Yasuo
    • AOE Yasuo
    • Speedy Yasuo

    The three different Yasuo Swarm builds we will share with you are designed to be used for various purposes. You may need to play the Swarm mode multiple times for different reasons. In such situations, or depending on your teammates' builds, it’s good to know all the builds to make the right choice. We've previously discussed Yasuo and his strengths in our Strongest Champions in Swarm Mod content.

    Frozen Yasuo

    Frozen Yasuo

    Although Yasuo is usually chosen for his high damage, you can use the new items introduced by Swarm mode to slow down and freeze enemies. We recommend trying this item build, which will make you somewhat tanky and allow you to draw damage towards yourself.

    • Blade-o-rang
    • Iceblast Armor
    • Bunny Mega Blast
    • Bunny Crossbow
    • Crit Chance
    • Damage
    • Armor
    • Movement Speed
    • Health Regen
    • Projectiles

    If you find a powerful item like Iceblast Armor early in the game, you should decide to play Frozen Yasuo. We’re sure you’ll be surprised by how durable Yasuo can be. It is one of the most fun builds among the LoL Swarm Yasuo Builds.

    AOE Yasuo

    AOE Yasuo

    We’ve mentioned how valuable Yasuo’s damage and critical strike rate are. If you feel you lack damage and want more, AOE Yasuo will make things easier for you.

    • Bunny Crossbow
    • Searing Shortbow
    • Bunny Mega Blast
    • Cyclonic Slicers
    • Crit Chance
    • Health Regen
    • Damage
    • Area Size
    • Movement Speed
    • Haste

    With the damage being not only single-target but also area-of-effect, Yasuo alone can meet the damage requirements of all Swarm maps. You won't know how much damage you can deal until you try it.

    Speedy Yasuo

    Speedy Yasuo

    One of the most effective aspects of Swarm mode is that it’s not a one-time thing; you can play the mode regularly. To collect more gold and cover more ground, you can try the Speedy Yasuo Build.

    • Blade-o-rang
    • Paw Print Polsoner
    • Cyclonic Slicers
    • Bunny Crossbow
    • Crit Chance
    • Projectiles
    • Damage
    • Movement Speed
    • Health Regen
    • Haste

    We know that moving faster is very functional in modes like Swarm, but we think it might make things a bit more challenging for some players. Be careful while investing in movement speed.

    Which is the Best Swarm Yasuo Items?

    When sharing the LoL Swarm Yasuo Builds with you, one of our primary focuses is selecting the right items. Choosing the right items means you will enjoy playing Yasuo in Swarm mode even more. The best items for Yasuo are listed below.

    • Blade-o-rang
    • Bunny Crossbow
    • Cyclonic Slicers

    If you want to play a more durable Yasuo, you can choose Iceblast Armor instead of Cyclonic Slicers. This way, your armor will be higher, and you will take much less damage from the creatures, making you more durable.

    Which is the Best Swarm Yasuo Augments?

    Not only the items but also the augmentations you choose will directly affect how powerful the champion will be. If you want to know which augmentations to select from the random upgrades that appear in the game, here are the best Swarm Yasuo augments:

    • Crit Chance
    • Movement Speed
    • Damage

    Especially the Crit Chance and Damage augmentations strengthen Yasuo’s primary ability, Tornado. Therefore, you should focus on increasing damage and critical strike chance above all else.

    Which is the Best Yasuo Build for Swarm Mode?

    To be honest, there isn’t a definitive answer to the question, “Which is the best Yasuo build for Swarm mode?” Deciding which build is better depends on the players themselves. Our recommendation is to try all the LoL Swarm Yasuo Builds and then decide for yourself which one is the best for you. This way, you can find the ideal item build on your own.
